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Bathroom shelves

Bathroom shelves types


Bathroom shelves are an excellent way to maximize your personal space and add a unique touch to your bathroom. Choosing the right type of shelf will depend on where you plan to place it, what you plan to put on it, and how much space you have available.

Some of the most popular types of bath shelves are corner shelves, built-in shelves, floating shelves, and under-the-sink shelves. Corner shelves are designed for bathrooms with corners in the wall. Built-in shelving takes up little space and can be installed flush with the wall or at an angle. Floating shelves are good for adding storage when there’s not enough room on the floor or in other types of cabinets. And finally, under-the-sink shelving is perfect for storing items that need to stay out of sight like cleaning supplies or extra toiletries. Here’s more information about each type:

Types of Bathroom Shelves

Corner Shelves: Corner shelves are typically installed in the corner of the bathroom. This creates more storage space without taking up any floor space, and they are especially good for bathrooms with limited space. Corner shelves can be installed flush with the wall or angled out from the wall to maximize floor space.

Built-in Shelving: Built-in shelving is usually installed on one or both sides of a bathtub, but it also can be installed on a wall perpendicular to a bathtub. It doesn’t take up much space and it’s easy to install. One downside is that you must have room for it on either side of your bathtub which limits the number of people who can use it at once.

Floating Shelves: Floating shelves are great for adding storage when there’s not enough room on the floor or in other types of cabinets. They attach to walls and provide extra storage space, but they don’t take up any floor space and they’re handy because they remove easily when they’re not being used.

Under-the-sink Shelves: These shelves are perfect for storing items that need to stay out of sight like cleaning supplies or extra toiletries. Under-the-sink shelving will fit under your sink so if you’ve got a lot of items that you want out of sight then this is your best bet!

Corner Shelf Benefits

Corner shelves are the perfect fit for your bathroom if you have a corner in the wall. These shelves are designed to be installed flush with the wall or at an angle, so they won’t take up space on the floor. Corner shelves can be used as extra storage and can hold many items including toiletries, towels, and more.

Built-in Shelf Benefits

If you have a lot of space in your bathroom, adding a built-in shelf is a great choice. This option takes up little floor space and can be installed flush with the wall or at an angle. If you install it at an angle, you can also use it to display items on top like framed photos, candles, or decorations.

Built-in shelves are also easy to build because they’re custom made for your bathroom space. You’ll just need to measure your available space and purchase the right type of shelving to fit that area.

One disadvantage of building in shelves is that they typically require professional installation. If you’re confident in your DIY skills, you could also try installing them yourself by following instructions from a DIY website or YouTube tutorial.

Floating Shelf Benefits

Floating shelves are a great option if you need more storage space and have little to no wall space. These shelves are installed on the floor, but they can be mounted to the wall as well. It’s a popular choice for small bathrooms with limited space, but there really is no limit to how much you can store. Floating shelves are also great for adding a decorative touch to your bathroom. You can place candles or other smaller items that make your shelves look like art pieces.

Under-the-Sink Shelf Benefits

Under-the-sink shelving is perfect for storing items that need to stay out of sight like cleaning supplies or extra toiletries. The drawers can be pulled out to reveal the entire shelf and when they are full, they can be closed up again. That way, you won’t have to worry about things spilling over into your other cabinets when you don’t have enough room on the floor or in other cabinets.


Choosing the right bathroom shelf can be a tough decision. But luckily, you have a few options to choose from. Corner shelves are perfect for maximizing space in small bathrooms. Built-in shelves are perfect for wall-to-wall storage and make for a clean, organized look. Floating shelves are great for displaying decorative items but can be challenging to install correctly. And under-the-sink shelves are perfect for storing cleaning supplies, toiletries and more!

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